Buenaventura IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology

Student Presentation
Thomas Estus, Chase Linsley, and Tiffany Linville
California Lutheran University Students

Wednesday, November 14, 2007 7 PM
CLU - Richter Hall, Ahmanson Science Building

CLU's interdisciplinary Bioengineering program is centered on a mechanistic understanding of the life sciences and builds upon fundamental molecular, genomic and cellular principles to address challenges and opportunities involving, for example, medical devices, implants and sensors, tissue engineering, bioinformatics and imaging.  We have invited student speakers from the Bioengineering program to present their work in November each year.  This event continues in this tradition.

Tiffany Linville: The effectiveness of a Simple In-Home Training Program on Balance in the Elderly

Chase Linsley: Examining Structure, Chemistry and Osteoblasts Response to Trivalently-Doped Hydroxyapatite

Thomas Estus: A Novel Method of Diffusivity Constant Measurement in Collagen Hydrogels

Bioengineering Students
California Lutheran University

Thomas Estus is a sophomore Bioengineering major at CLU. He plans to continue his passion for research during the summer of 2008 with funding from the Eddie Bergfield Scholarship. After that he plans on taking up an REU summer program during his junior year at a campus still to be determined. Graduate or medical school is a definite possibility.


Chase Linsley is a senior completing his B.S. in Bioengineering with Highest Honors (University Honors & Departmental Honors) with a minor in Chemistry. He is currently in the process of applying to graduate schools and plans to use any higher degree of education he receives to help promote healthy living both nationally and internationally. Previously, his research has been presented at the 2006 Southern California Conference on Undergraduate Research.


Tiffany Linville is a senior at CLU majoring in Exercise Science/Sports Medicine with an emphasis in both Human Performance and Pre-Physical Therapy. The results of this study have been selected to be presented at the Southwest American College of Sports Medicine meeting in San Diego in November. After graduation, she plans on attending graduate school to pursuit a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree.


Meeting Site: California Lutheran University Gilbert Sports and Fitness Center,
Second Floor, rooms 253/254, 130 Overton Court, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Meetings are free, and open to the public
Dinner: Available at 6 p.m. for $12 payable at the door, no RSVP needed.
Parking: Parking is free outside of the Gilbert Sports Center
Contact: Steve Johnson, sfjohnso@ieee.org
Our Sponsors: La Reina High School and Middle SchoolCalifornia Lutheran UniversityIEEE EMB SocietyIEEE Buenaventura Section