Buenaventura IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology

Novel Electrochemical Technology for Genetic Testing; Application to Clinical Diagnostics
Dr. Bill Coty
Vice President, Applied Research
Osmetech plc.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008 7 PM
CLU - Richter Hall, Ahmanson Science Building

Dr. William Coty
Osmetech plc, Pasadena

Bill Coty is Vice President, Applied Research for Osmetech plc.  He joined Motorola Life Sciences in 2000, and has led the eSensor® product development program since 2001 with Motorola, Clinical Micro Sensors and now Osmetech Molecular Diagnostics. Before joining Motorola, he held VP-level positions in the clinical diagnostics and biotechnology industries with Microgenics Corp. and DiscoveRx, Inc., and has held senior R&D positions with Boehringer Mannheim and Roche Diagnostic Systems.

Osmetech plc was founded in 1993, developing electronic odour sensor (“e-nose”) technology.  The Osmetech Molecular Diagnostics division was created from acquisitions of Molecular Sensing plc in October 2004 and Clinical Micro Sensors, Inc. from Motorola in July 2005.


Meeting Site: California Lutheran University Gilbert Sports and Fitness Center,
Second Floor, rooms 253/254, 130 Overton Court, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Meetings are free, and open to the public
Dinner: Available at 6 p.m. for $12 payable at the door, no RSVP needed.
Parking: Parking is free outside of the Gilbert Sports Center
Contact: Steve Johnson, sfjohnso@ieee.org
Our Sponsors: La Reina High School and Middle SchoolCalifornia Lutheran UniversityIEEE EMB SocietyIEEE Buenaventura Section